Ancient Egypt Mummification - Brighton & Hove Museums
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Egyptian shabti on display in the gallery.

Ancient Egypt Mummification KS2
1 hour, KS2
Brighton Museum & Art Gallery

Would you like to be trained as Ancient Egyptian Embalmers?

We have life size mummy dolls that we train new embalmers with. Not only do we have to wrap them, but they have to be properly prepared, cleaned, preserved and decorated with jewellery and amulets for their journey to the Afterlife.

What did the Ancient Egyptians believe about the Afterlife? Why did they mummify their dead and who was mummified?

What happens in the session?

Children will learn how the process of artificial mummification was reserved for the rich and powerful Ancient Egyptians. They can re-enact the mummification process using life size mummy dolls and discover how their bodies were preserved in preparation for their journey into the afterlife.

Aims of the session

  1. Have fun and enjoy your time with us
  2. Find out more about the process of mummification through a hands on based activity
  3. Find out about ancient Egypt – ideas, beliefs and attitudes of people in the past
  4. Find out more about the history of archaeology and how it relates to how they learn about history now
  5. To lead children into a more focused and reflective visit in the galleries

Curriculum Links


KS2: the achievements of the earliest civilizations – an overview of where and when the first civilizations appeared and a depth study of one of the following: Ancient Sumer; The Indus Valley; Ancient Egypt; The Shang Dynasty of Ancient China
Cross Curricular: Literacy, Numeracy, Geography, DT, Art , Science, RSE

Extra Resources

Materials you can use in class before your visit.

Egyptian shabti on display in the gallery.
Image of a poster at Hove saying "Have fun but please don't run."

School Online Resources

Our learning team have developed downloadable resources that might support your teaching in class or onsite.
Image of a poster at Hove saying "Have fun but please don't run."