The Royal Pavilion – A Very Special Visit
30 mins, KS1 & 2
Help! It’s 1824 and Lady Buzzby has been invited to the first Grand Banquet at the Royal Pavilion since George IV was made King. She’s very excited but has so many new things to learn – how to greet the King, what to wear, how and what to eat, where the toilets are. Will she be ready in time? Help her to learn the etiquette and stories of a Royal Palace and how it fits into the fashionable Regency town of Brighton.
Please do read the Pre Visit Letter to your class before your trip.
Please note, Lady Buzzby may be Lord Buzzby depending on staff availability.
- Available on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays
- 30 mins session with a Lord or Lady Buzzby – please allow 40 mins for movement around the building
- After this you will have a booked slot to visit the Royal Pavilion independently. We recommend an hour for this but you can take as long or as short a time as you like. There is an accompanying trail to help guide your visit. We suggest splitting your class into four smaller groups.
- Brighton Museum & Art Gallery is also available on the same site and free entry to UK schools.
Aims of the Session
- I will enjoy my time at the Royal Pavilion, I will feel safe, comfortable and welcome
- I will meet a person from the past and understand more about their motivations and actions
- I will understand why the Royal Pavilion is in Brighton.
- I will know more about the people who lived, visited and worked in the Royal Pavilion in the past.
- I will understand more about the development of Brighton from a small fishing village to the busy city of today
- I will know more about key Brighton personalities and how they shaped our city
- I will be able to tell the difference between the life of ordinary people and people higher up in society
- I will understand how there are different accounts of history and different points of view
- I will start to learn more about the role the British Empire during this time period
History Curriculum Links
KS1: Events beyond living memory that are significant nationally or globally, the lives of significant individuals in the past who have contributed to national and international achievements, significant historical events, people and places in their own locality
KS2: A study of an aspect or theme in British history that extends pupils’ chronological knowledge beyond 1066
Cross Curricular: Literacy • Geography Art Design Technology Science
Extra Resources
Materials you can use in class before your visit.