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Find out more about the history of the Royal Pavilion.

60 mins, KS3+



This tour will take your through the history of Brighton from a fishing town, a fashionable spa town to the arrival of the Prince Regent, soon to be King George IV.

Find out more about the life of people living in the town, the people working in the palace and the life of George.

  • Who designed it?
  • Who made the artefacts inside?
  • What was the inspiration?

We will also reflect on the use of the building after George and how it was used during WWI as a Military Hospital.

The tour is ground floor only after which you are free to explore the upper floor.

Image of a poster at Hove saying "Have fun but please don't run."

School Online Resources

Our learning team have developed downloadable resources that might support your teaching in class or onsite.
Image of a poster at Hove saying "Have fun but please don't run."