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Nature at Home: Wildlife from my Window by Lynn Beun

This is a legacy story from an earlier version of our website. It may contain some formatting issues and broken links.

One of our early Nature Heroes highlighted the work of Lynn Beun, leader of RSPB Brighton & Hove District Local Group. Now Lynn has written a blog post of her own to share with us. 

Despite the lifting of outdoor exercise restrictions, I know there are many of you who fall into the vulnerable category and will still be pining for the great outdoors during this time. Being confined to quarters may not be so bad though, as it gives us the opportunity to look out of our windows at the world around us in detail.

Lynn Beun Leader of RSPB Brighton & District Local Group

As a birdwatcher I enjoy seeing birds of course, however I find that most people who like birds enjoy having contact with all things in the natural world – be they butterflies and plants, birds or animals. Like many of you, I live in small urban flat with a very small garden but our small green patches still provide a wealth of wildlife. So here is the Wildlife from my Window. I hope you will enjoy it!

First to visit in the morning is the little troop of House sparrows. When I first put my bird feeder up several years ago there were only about 8, but by providing them with a mixed diet which includes mealworms and suet nibbles they have now increased to about 30. House sparrows need a protein and energy rich diet to thrive and reproduce successfully. They form “gossiping groups” in the morning in a tree nearby which is overgrown with ivy. This is perfect cover for hiding in.

House sparrow, Passer domesticus, photo by Lee Ismail

House sparrow, Passer domesticus, © Lee Ismail

You may ask which sort of feeder to use?

I use a feeder on a high pole so the birds are safe from predators. Feeders should also be kept clean to avoid disease so I make sure I do this and rotate my feeders, I also make sure the water in the bird bath is clean and fresh. The Starlings come along and I enjoy seeing their shiny iridescent feathers as they splash around. They create quite a mess squabbling over the tastiest mealworms, throwing the seeds they do not want on the ground. But no problem – a little Dunnock will be along to pick up their unwanted seeds. The Robin sometimes sits on the fence whilst I fill up the feeders and is always keen to snatch a suet bite before the House sparrows beat him to it!

Dunnock, Prunella modularis, © Lee Ismail

As the morning progresses a large male fox arrives to sleep on the garden shed roof. He enjoys the sunshine and when he gets too hot he moves into the shade provided by a leafy tree. Last year a vixen did the same with her male cub, so I wonder if it is the same cub grown? Here is a photograph of him – I hope you enjoy it!

Fox on garden shed, © Lynn Beun

Honey bee, Apis mellifera on Hebe, © Lynn Beun

During the drowsy warm afternoon, the Hebe comes into flower and is visited by Honey bees. All this happens in the course of a day. What will we see next time?

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Lynn Beun, Leader, RSPB Brighton & District Local Group

Spotted any interesting wildlife from your window? Email your photos to and it may be featured in our blog.