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Access Lee Miller: Dressed

Published by: Jody East, Fiona Story
Lee Miller Red dress from gallery 1

Welcome to the accessible content page for the Lee Miller: Dressed exhibition.

Here you will find scalable, large print exhibition text, main exhibition texts as audio recordings, and audio descriptions for 6 key items on display.

Accessible exhibition text

The accessible exhibition text is a large print, scalable version of all the text in the exhibition.

Text panel and main label audio

Here you will find recordings with transcripts for all the main text panels and the costume exhibit labels.

Audio descriptions

Audio descriptions have been recorded for 6 key items on display. There are two audio descriptions per gallery, the first being a costumed mannequin and the second being a framed print.

At the start of each audio description a brief explanation will be given of the location of each object. A member of staff will be in the galleries if any further assistance is required.

Lee Miller Red dress from gallery 1
Exhibition text panel: Welcome to Lee Miller: Dressed
Exhibition text panel: "Although I looked like an angel, I was really a fiend inside"
Exhibition text panel: Paris 1929-1932
Paris Dress slope label
Exhibition text panel: New York 1932-1934
New York Coat slope label
Exhibition text panel: Egypt 1934 - 1939
Egypt slope label
Egypt slope label
Exhibition text panel: Travels in Europe and beyond 1937 - 1939
Travels slope label
Travels slope label
Exhibition text panel: London at war 1939 - 1944
London slope label
Exhibition text panel: Continental war correspondent 1944 - 1946
War correspondent slope label
Carly Gry WC slope label
Exhibition text panel: Farley Farm
Farelys Pregnancy slope label
Farleys scruffs slope label