Suggested words
Preston Manor room with butler outfit and equipment

Plan your visit

Everything you need to know before you set foot in Preston Manor.
Person walking towards half-open gate.

Opening times

For the first time in five years, Preston Manor will reopen to the general public with a new visitor experience.

Preston Manor: A New Era
Opening 5 April 2025 (Fri – Sun 10-4 only)

The Manor is open in the week for pre-booked

Victorian Servants KS1 school groups

Victorian Servants- KS2 school groups

and can be booked for special events.

Group Prices

Person walking towards half-open gate.

How to get here

Preston Manor is a charming historic house located in Preston Drove, Brighton BN1 6SD. It is two miles north of Brighton’s city centre (a 30-40 minute walk).

During your visit


Preston Manor is an historic building, but we do our best to make it as accessible as possible.

Please tell us if you spot any problems or have tips for other visitors.