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Hedgehog Research at the Booth Museum

Lea Grayston researching hedgehogs at the Booth Museum

A PHD researcher from the University of Reading is visiting the Booth Museum.

Lea Grayston has been looking at both historic and modern specimens of hedgehogs and studying hedgehog skins and osteological specimens. This is to determine if changing diets has had an effect of hedgehog morphology, particularly the shape of their face.

The studies of our specimens included sampling spines for stable isotope analysis (to determine the diet of the hedgehog) and measurements of the skull to compare historic skull shapes to modern hedgehogs.

The study of the Brighton & Hove Museums collections of specimens of are part of the research of historic specimens from museums around the country. Studies of modern casualties and live specimens recorded from public observations captured on trail cameras.

Lea Grayston researching hedgehogs at the Booth Museum
Lea Grayston researching hedgehogs at the Booth Museum