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for duplicate records and to update object locations, as well as marking which objects had been photographed and cleaning the…


…links. An update from me, Ruby McGonigle, on my experience so far as the person behind Fashion Cities Africa’s social…


…she found on the beach. Check back regularly to see any gallery updates as the series continues. Discover More Take…


…this week. Look out for more Museum Mentors group updates soon. Discover More You can find us online via Facebook…


…been updated. See images of the bird dioramas on our flickr stream Jeremy Adams, retired Assistant Keeper at the Booth…


…It’s an ongoing archive as members of staff at the Brighton History Centre continue to keep it updated with any…


…of Fashion Cities Africa and posting regular updates on our Brighton Museums Instagram (@brighton_museums). Whilst this may sound like a…


…answers to these questions, but the more I research into Gilbert and George’s work, the more I think about them….


…and almost immediately dozens of other visitors stopped and started asking me questions. Some of them had not realised that…


…carefully researched questions, focusing on her wartime work meaning the speaking engagement took the form of a convivial dialogue. Marguerite…