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Windrush Day Tea Party at Brighton Museum, 22 June 2019

This is a legacy story from an earlier version of our website. It may contain some formatting issues and broken links.

Last month we hosted a Caribbean themed tea party in Brighton Museum. Held on 22 June, the event marked the anniversary of the docking of MV Empire Windrush in London in 1948. This ship brough the first of several thousands of people from the Caribbean who helped rebuild Britain after the Second World War, and made a huge contribution to British life.

Members of BME Heritage Network with Councillor Amanda Grimshaw BEM at Windrush Day Tea Party. Stephen D Lawrence Photography

Organised by the BME Heritage Network, the event included a talk by Brighton & Hove based author Colin Grant, and a panel discussion by Dr Bert Williams MBE and Shirely Williams, two local members of the WIndrush Generation.
