The Webb Ellis Cup at Brighton Museum & Art Gallery
This is a legacy story from an earlier version of our website. It may contain some formatting issues and broken links.
On Monday 31 August the Webb Ellis cup will be at the museum. To celebrate the Rugby World Cup trophy being on display and the four nations that will be competing in Brighton Community Stadium to lift it as winners, the museum will be offering a day of fun-packed activities for all the family!
Come and see rare objects out of museum storage for one day from the four nations of Japan, Samoa, South Africa and USA. You are invited to get up-close and see traditional Furoshiki cloth wrapping demonstrated; learn about Samoan Barkcloths, colourful South African beaded jewellery and intricate Native American Quillwork. Then, make your way to the Art Room where you can create your own striking artwork based on any symbols, colours or materials you found inspiring in these objects. Get creative and design your own Rugby shirt or flag for the team or teams you will be supporting!
Do remember to make your way upstairs to the Fashion & Costume Gallery where Japanese Cos-Play, the Brighton festival The Costume Games and popular American Super-Heroes are celebrated with the display of Christian Bale’s Batsuit! Whether you’re a kid or just a big kid, you can play dress-up and create your very own super-hero costume and take a picture of yourself next to Batman! On your way out pop into the Willet Gallery where you can have your face painted in the style of your favourite super-hero.
All these activities will be free with an admission ticket between 11am and 3pm on Monday and we hope to see you all then!
Hannah Marshall-Quinn, Creative Programming Events Support Officer