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The View From Here

This is a legacy story from an earlier version of our website. It may contain some formatting issues and broken links.

Lisa Jones, MA Craft student at Brighton University, explores our relationship with objects and the seemingly endless ways of displaying them in museums.

As an artist, I am deeply inspired by the vast array of artefacts that have been produced by civilisations over millennia. After visiting many museums over the years, I have become fascinated by the endless possibilities of grouping, naming and defining objects in exhibitions.

Photograph by Jonathan Bassett

This piece in ceramic and steel explores how the different methods of display affect our relationship with them. My work asks you, the visitor, should we value displays purely on an academic level or can we appreciate them more visually, as a form of abstract landscape?

Lisa Jones, MA Craft student

See Lisa’s display of ceramic and steel making a carefully constructed landscape at Hove Museum until September