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The Last Man on the Chain Pier

Published by: Denise Robins (formerly Fogden)
The Last Man on the Chain Pier. An old faded photograph of a man in a cap and long coat stood against seafront railings with the destroyed Chain Pier in the background.

I’d like to share a heart warming story about my great-great-grandfather, Edward Fogden.

He had a lifelong connection with the iconic Brighton Chain Pier. I believe he started out as a labourer on the Pier and later became the ‘Old Chain Pier attendant’. Family members have told me he was incredibly fond of the Pier and was passionate about his work.

However, the year 1896 brought a dramatic end to this work when a mighty storm swept through Brighton, destroying the Pier at around 10pm on 4th December.

Just hours before, Edward had been on his nightly rounds, lighting the lamps at the Pier’s end, a duty he faithfully performed for years.

Edward’s role in this historic disaster is detailed in books like WH Johnson’s “Sussex Disasters”, where he is described as the gatekeeper and watchman who served on the pier for nearly five decades and that his last job each night was to walk to the end of the Pier and light the lamp. Ernest Ryman’s ‘The Romance of the Old Chain Pier at Brighton’ also mentions him as the last person on the Pier that night and highlighting his roles as shipwright and watchman.

I can only imagine his emotions as he narrowly escaped the collapsing pier and witnessing its disappearance. The next morning, photographers captured him in a poignant image and described him as a ‘sturdy but forlorn figure’. It was the end of an era and my grandfather said he that he was deeply upset at the loss of the Pier.

Edward lived a long life, passing away in 1918 at the ripe age of 94. His obituary in Brighton Herald was titled Death of Chair Pier Watchman and celebrated his unique place in history as the last man on the Chain Pier. Edward was the oldest person to be awarded the Brighton Magistrates ten shillings just a year before his passing.

Edward Fogden’s story isn’t just a chapter in our family’s history; its a compelling thread in the vibrant tapestry of Brighton’s captivating past.

You can see the full image and read more about Edward Fogden on the My Brighton and Hove website. 

The Last Man on the Chain Pier. An old faded photograph of a man in a cap and long coat stood against seafront railings with the destroyed Chain Pier in the background.