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The Booth Museum, an update to the Victorian Parlour

Published by: Lee Ismail

This is a legacy story from an earlier version of our website. It may contain some formatting issues and broken links.

We have made some adjustments to the Victorian Parlour in the Booth Museum to increase its accessibility and encourage a more hands on experience.

Victorian Parlour

Victorian Parlour

Visitor feedback has indicated that people would love to sit down and touch objects in the space, so we have removed the rope and alarm from one side of the space, introduced a new chair for visitors to sit on, and added a different leopard rug to encourage younger visitors to explore on the floor.

Victorian Parlour

Victorian Parlour

We will be opening up the other side of the space soon and adding some more engagement touches. Please do feel free to touch and explore when you’re next at the Booth, take a picture of yourself enjoying the new look parlour and tag us using #boothmuseum

Lee Ismail, Curator of Natural Sciences