Queen’s Road, 1931
This is a legacy story from an earlier version of our website. It may contain some formatting issues and broken links.
This photograph taken outside Brighton Railway Station shows Hudsons Depositories at 78-80 Queens Road. Part of the site became the Sergeant Yorke Casino in 1971 before it was redeveloped into a hotel in 2012.
Familiar Brands, Familiar Faces
A few of the products advertised here are still going strong today.
While virtually all tobacco advertising is banned in the UK, the sailor used in John Player’s cigarettes branding was once omnipresent. The company’s mascot is based on a photograph of Thomas Huntley Wood (1868-1951) for which he was offered two guineas and some tobacco to sit while serving on HMS Edinburgh in the early 1890s.
He served in the Royal Navy for 24 years before becoming a coastguard in Southwick. He is buried in Portslade Cemetery.
Dan Robertson, Curator of Local History and Archaeology