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Museum Mentors Online

This is a legacy story from an earlier version of our website. It may contain some formatting issues and broken links.

Museum Mentors is a community project, creating a space for adults with support needs to meet up, make art and connect with their peers in the wonderful surroundings of Brighton Museum and the Royal Pavilion.  

Museum Mentors usually meet twice weekly in the art room at Brighton Museum where we all enjoy art, chat, tea and plenty of biscuits. 

Although we are missing our art sessions during lockdown, both staff and group members remain in touch and are working to keep creative activities going: members are receiving postal projects, email messages and collections inspired information. Museum Mentors social media is helping to bridge the contact gap.

It is here we will showcase our Museum Mentors work and post updates on what we are doing. Do take a look and see what we’re up to. We hope you enjoy our posts.

You can find us online via

Creative Together Online Free Event

Join Creative Together from the 2nd June – 7th July as they host a weekly Zoom workshop, supporting members to draw and create together. For more details see their Facebook Events page 

May 2020

Museum Mentors

We sent out the second batch of colouring postcards earlier this month. These were created from line drawings based on members’ artwork.

This postcard was coloured in by Mike. The original artwork for the line drawing was done by Sharon.


Museum Mentors also received some drawing inspiration put together by Collections Assistant Lucy. These included pictures of interesting teapots from the Willett Collection of popular pottery and ‘Bud and Barkage’ – a contemporary ceramic sculpture by Carole Windham of a small dog, sitting nicely awaiting our return! 

Bud and Barkage, Carole Windham

Bud and Barkage, Carole Windham

That’s all for this week. Look out for more Museum Mentors group updates soon.

 Sally Welchman, Museum Mentors