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Mid-Week Draw Online: Week 21

This is a legacy story from an earlier version of our website. It may contain some formatting issues and broken links.

With the August Bank Holiday fast approaching, Beth has chosen a getting yourself to Brighton theme! 


Join In

If you are tempted to have a go, please share your drawings with us! We would love to see them. Email them to Beth at

Tweet @BrightonMuseums or tag @brighton_museums on Instagram. If you are uploading them to Facebook with pride, share the url in the comments section below.

Come back next Wednesday to see what new objects Beth has chosen.

This week’s additional ideas:

  • Put a pair of scissors on a blank bit of paper and draw around them to create people and animal heads. The scissors can be open or shut. Both methods bring out their own expressions and character!
  • If it has been raining, see if you can find any leaves / plants with raindrops on as a subject. Maybe take a photo so you can sketch it indoors if it is still raining and also so you can zoom in to see all the detail. Often the drops look like they are made of liquid silver!

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Beth Burr, Museum Support Officer