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Gasometers and the Goldstone Ground: a bird’s eye view of Hove from 1933

This is a legacy story from an earlier version of our website. It may contain some formatting issues and broken links.

In 1933 the Brighton Corporation commissioned this aerial photograph of Hove.

We don’t know why this photograph was taken, as Brighton and Hove were governed by separate local authorities at the time. But it provides a fascinating and detailed bird’s eye view of the town.

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What can we see?

Hove gas works

The four large cylindrical structures are gasometers. These were part of the Hove Gas Works and used for storing gas before it could be distributed to homes and businesses.

The gasometers were gradually removed in the late 1980s and early 1990s. A large Tesco now stands on this spot.

St Andrew’s Church

One of the oldest churches in Hove, St Andrew’s still stands today. However, the graveyard is now much smaller.

In the early 1970s, East Sussex County Council purchased some of the land on the north side in order to build St Andrew’s School.

Dubarry’s Perfume Company

This striking Art Deco building can still be seen today by passengers waiting at Hove Railway Station. The Dubarry Perfume Company stopped trading in the early 1980s but the building has continued to be maintained and used by a variety of businesses.

Goldstone Football Ground

Brighton & Hove Albion’s football ground can be glimpsed in the north at the edge of the photo. We can just make out an advertisement for Tamplin’s Ales, a local brewery.

The ground was home to the club until 1997 when it was sold to developers and the land redeveloped as a retail park.

Kevin Bacon, Digital Manager

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