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Free Summer Youth Arts Workshop

This is a legacy story from an earlier version of our website. It may contain some formatting issues and broken links.

In the summer holidays Royal Pavilion & Museums will be running an exciting arts programme for young people aged 13-19 (up to 24 years with additional needs). These workshops will explore the themes of Environment and Extinction.

The participants will have the opportunity to explore our collections, buildings and exhibitions, meet museum staff and work with professional artists to learn new creative skills. It is a great opportunity to do something creative and fun in a supportive and inspiring environment. Lunch will be provided and the workshops are free. Participants can sign up for 1 workshop or all 3.

The programme is designed for young people who may not have visited the Museum before and will be particularly targeted at young people who may be socially excluded. Furthermore, if you know young people who are completing their Arts Award then these workshops can be incorporated into their awards ( These workshops are inclusive of different abilities.

If you are interested, or know a young person who might be, then please contact Sarah Pain to book a space: / 07833 483245.

All workshops will include a tour of the venue:

  • Tue 20th August 2019 at Hove Museum & Art Gallery 11am – 3.30pm

Urban Art: Reduce, Re-use, Up-cycle: Create your own piece of urban graffiti art inspired by the themes of up-cycling, reusing and your local environment. Expect spray paint, graffiti pens, stencilling, collage and more! Lead by graffiti artist, Tom Goulden.

  • Thurs 22nd August 2019 at Booth Museum 11am – 4.30pm

Animation Workshop 1 – Extinction and Environment: using museum artefacts as a starting point we will discuss issues surrounding extinction and the environment. The participants will then learn how to create animations to bring these issues to life. Lead by digital makers, Remix the Museum.

  • Fri 23rd August 2019 at Brighton Museum & Art Gallery 11am – 4.30pm

Animation Workshop 2 – Extinction and Environment: using the Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibition and museum objects as a starting point we will discuss issues surrounding extinction and the environment. The participants will then learn how to create animations to bring these issues to life. Lead by digital makers, Remix the Museum.