360 Walkthrough of the Booth Museum’s Osteology Gallery
This is a legacy story from an earlier version of our website. It may contain some formatting issues and broken links.
Museum Futures trainee Tasha Brown on creating an online legacy for the Osteology gallery in the Booth Museum of Natural History.
Most museum galleries come and go with very little trace left behind. Before the Osteology gallery at the Booth Museum closes for redevelopment, we decided to create a 360 degree walkthrough so that people can virtually revisit the gallery in years to come.
This isn’t the first time we’ve used 360 imagery in one of our sites. Last year we created a 360 view of the Saloon in the Royal Pavilion after the room was restored to its original Regency design.
As the digital trainee, I had the opportunity to create this interactive using 3D photos taken by a photographer a couple of months ago. I used the online 360 degree imagery tool Marzipano to turn the 3D photos into an interactive walkthrough and, having never made a 360 degree walkthrough before, I was intrigued to see how it would turn out. Luckily, it turned out quite well and we will hopefully look into creating more 360 degree walkthroughs in the future.
Hotspots of a few highlights from the gallery are highlighted with information bubbles, including a horse, hippopotamus and killer whale skeleton. The killer whale is no longer at the Booth Museum as it was moved to the National Maritime Museum Cornwall for a two-year loan last month.
Tasha Brown, Museum Futures Trainee
Correction 20 Feb 2020: we have just updated the walkthrough to improve image quality, and the current version no longer features the hotspots mentioned above. We will restore these in a new version soon.