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A Swarm of Beetles settles at the Booth

Yesterday the Booth Museum received a bequest of beetles collected by East Sussex entomologist David Hance.

David sadly passed away shortly after the Covid lockdowns, but his legacy is a collection of British beetles, which includes many Sussex specimens of importance (for example: Long time no see… | Sussex Wildlife Trust). The collection will be absorbed into the existing British beetle collections housed at the Booth Museum, with specimens being transferred after quarantine freezing by our volunteer entomologists.

Our thanks go to the late David Hance and family for this generous bequest.

Booth Museum beetles bequest. Booth Museum beetles bequest. A close up image of 3 shiny green beetles displayed along with their information cards.
Booth Museum beetles bequest. A close up image of various sized beetles displayed along with their information cards.
Booth Museum beetles bequest. A close up image of various sized beetles displayed along with their information cards.